
楊 長宜 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2015.03.28(六)  難得賺到美好的週六下午,好不容易成行的美食聚餐得以實現,因為是和千里迢迢北上的朋友聚餐,為了不浪費任何時間,就地選擇了離台北車站很近的台北凱撒飯店Checkers準備好好享受午後小確幸的悠閒聚會。台北凱撒飯店位於台北車站 捷運站 M6出口,且處於台北市交通樞紐,因此非常方便到達。

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楊 長宜 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

    Tonight we are going to have a wonderful dinner made by my skillful cousin- Chyna. She is really good at making delicious food also she is really brilliant. What is more, she is about going to college in few days. What a wonderful thing we have here!! Hopefully she can doing everything well in the future and it is really a great chance that our family could be together with these cute pets and such an ambrosia.             


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